6 Ways to Lower Your Homeowner’s Insurance!

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  1. Multiple Policy Discounts:

If you have your auto insurance, or any other insurance policies with an insurance provider be sure to check with them about multiple policy discounts that could be available for you and could give you a discount on your homeowner’s insurance (as well as any other insurance policies you hold with them).

  1. Security System and Smoke Alarms:

If you have an older home, installing smoke alarms could possibly lower your annual premiums by 10%! Wow! Not only that, it’s safe to have in your home as well to protect you and your family. Central Monitoring (security systems) is another factor that could possibly lower your annual premiums by 5% or more (especially if it is directly tied to your local police station).

  1. Paying Off Your Mortgage

Much easier said than done! We know! BUT if insurance companies see that you completely own your home – they will assume you will take much better care of it, resulting in your premium dropping!

  1. Higher Deductibles

The higher the deductible, the lower the annual premium!

  1. Pay Your Bill in Full at the Beginning of the Billing Cycle

Save a few dollars by paying your entire premium up front at the beginning of your billing cycle rather than making monthly payments.

  1. Construction Plans? Plan Ahead!

If you’re looking to renovate, or improve your home in any way, shape, or form – be sure to plan ahead as different materials could affect your premium when getting covered. This definitely applies to upgrading your plumbing or electrical systems! It could lower your premium – which is awesome!

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