Posts Tagged ‘palmdale’
PALMDALE RESIDENTS: Do Not Touch Streetlights When It’s Raining (Important)
Authorities from Palmdale have warned that residents should not touch the streetlamps during this months rainy spells because of faulty wiring that could lead to an electrical shock. The problem exists with around 130 of the 18,000 streetlights in the Palmdale area. The city is bringing in utility crews to stop the problem but we…
Read MoreI Made My Commute Bearable With Carpooling And Podcasts
I’m sure we have all been on the 14 freeway during the Monday-Friday commute at some point, and if you haven’t yet, you probably will be one day. Some of us have done it for countless years and some are just starting. It doesn’t seem to be getting better as more and more people are…
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