Every Hilarious Christmas Mayhem Commercial from Allstate

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Christmas is around the corner and we wanted to celebrate by sharing our funniest Mayhem Christmas commercials. Allstate Insurance has been making these commercials for over a decade now and we think they’re some of the funniest on TV.

Earlier this year we made a list of our top 21 Mayhem commercials. It was our most popular article this year (2019)! Since writing it we keep finding new Mayhem ads that we’d missed. We’ll keep updating the post as we find more.

Before we get started with the Christmas list I’d like to remind you that we are an Allstate insurance agency. If you’re looking for a cheaper insurance rate or you’re looking to protect something new, give us a call and speak to one of our wonderful team.

Onwards with the Christmas list!

1 – 12 Days of Mayhem


A supercut of the best moments from Mayhems commercials so far with a Mayhem version of the 12 days of Christmas.

Allstate found a way to remind us of all the other great Mayhem commercials in a funny and original way. It’s a great holiday idea to hark back to previous times they’ve made us laugh at the end of the year when everyone’s feeling nostalgic.

The Mayhem team explores more Christmas songs in other videos, but none of them are as well put together as this one.

Best line – “5 FLAMING GRILLS!”

2 – Mayhem is the elf on the shelf


Mayhem is a bulky Christmas Elf on a badly made shelf.

This is the new Mayhem Christmas commercial airing right now as of 2019/2020. Allstate reminds us that at Christmas our bad DIY skills are surrounded by many more breakable and flammable objects.

I’m known to “vomit Christmas everywhere” around my house so this relates to me personally. I know at least one of the presents under the tree this year fires plastic projectiles. We’re also big fans of candles around Christmas. I think Allstate is right to remind us what a dangerous time this can be if you’re not careful.

It’s always funny to see Mayhem smashing into things in a funny costume and we get plenty of that. Bonus points for a beautifully decorated, if poorly built, Christmas living room.

Best line – “Thanks to your woodworking skills

3 – Mayhem is a Douglas Fir


Mayhem is the Christmas tree that falls off the back of the car on the way home.

Next year we will be celebrating 10 years of Mayhem. This is one of the first Mayhem commercials that aired over 8 years ago. With that wood-paneled car it looks even older.

Dean Winters sliding out of the machine wrapped like a tree is priceless. His dry-with-a-side-of-mischief expression, his look of discomfort as they drive away, his eventual smile as he slides off the car and into traffic. I think the early commercials had more brutal car crashes.

Best line – “My scent? Like making love to a lumberjack”


4 – The Mayhem Christmas Album


Did you hear Allstate insurance did a Mayhem Christmas album?

Look at some of the amazing writing in this Christmas song:

Give us those smells, Sweet turkey smells.
All seem to say, Good food today.
Mom’s off the hook, Dad wants to cook.
Should do no harm, First time’s a charm.
Ding, dong, ding, dong, Dad’s got it wrong.
Using propane, But not his brain
Deep fried turkey, Should be easy.
On the back porch, With a blow torch!
Dad drops it in, With a big grin.
Look what you’ve done, Call 911!
Turkey’s exploding! Christmas imploding!
Children are crying! Neighbors prying!
Should have poured the oil with precision, Very, very, very dumb decision!
Food up in flames, Mom calls dad names.
Flames are put out, Lunch is in doubt
Third degree burns, Family concerned.
Kids throwing shade, Who knows first aid?
Scene lacking charm, Snowy napalm.
Air smells like smoke, This is no joke.
Fryer is doused, So is the house,
Back porch is charred, So is the yard.
What could be next, Mom gets a text.
In laws are near, Sarcastic cheer.
Mom starts to fret, Dad has regret.
Kids start to stew, Christmas is Scrooged.
Should’ve just basted! Now it’s all wasted!
Turkey Exploded! Video posted!
Now you’re trending on Twitter and Reddit. Many many up-votes to your credit.
Maybe it’s fine, still good with wine.
Nope tastes like ash, Into the trash.
Mayhem is here, Mayhem is there,
Face it Mayhem, Is everywhere.

This Christmas album from Allstate was a great idea well executed. It’s a little awkward at times when it seems Dean Winters doesn’t want to sing along, but will still chime in. But the writing is top notch and every song is funny.

Take 10 minutes to enjoy all 7 songs on the album.

BONUS: For Pandora Listeners Mayhem has a Christmas channel that features Christmas classics alongside the funny Mayhem ones. – https://www.pandora.com/station/play/4389434849842827051

Did we miss any?

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